The story of "Boders of Humanity" takes place on the edge of a magical forest and shows the fate of those who try to get over the border fence. In the comic, I worked a lot with visual metaphors and tried to find a translation for Parvin A.‘s real-life experiences as a refugee.
Parvin had submitted a complaint against Greece to the UN Human Rights Committee in 2022 and I wrote the comic with the intention of generating attention for her and the refugee issue in general.
In addition to the comic, there is an interview with Abou Bakar Sidibe. Abou is a filmmaker and a refugee himself. In the interview, we talked about our roles as media professionals on the topic of flight and how they differ, with the goal of critically reflecting on the project as such.
The project was developed as a semester project in the field of information design with Prof. Matthias Görlich.
Conception and execution of the interview was in collaboration with Hannah Lentz
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